Anticipation is rising across an expectant Japan as the date draws closer for Crown Princess Masako to give birth to a possible, and long-awaited, heir for the world's oldest monarchy. 日本太子妃小和田雅子的预产期日益临近。日本这个世界上历史最悠久的君主制国家即将再添新丁。目前日本国人个个拭目以待,翘首期盼小皇太子的诞生。
In the field of the expectant right of inheritance, there are three specific kinds of expectant right: the expectant interest of the heir before the start of succession, forced heirship system and the expectant right of the heir of succession in the second place. 继承期待权包括三种:继承开始前继承人的期待利益;继承中的特留份制度;后位继承人之期待权。